Token Engineering Commons

Sustainable & Ethical Design for Token Ecosystems

To·ken En·gi·neer·ing /ˈtōkən/ /enjəˈniriNG/

  1. An emerging engineering discipline focused on holistic systems design and the theory, practice and tools used to design and verify tokenized ecosystems i.e. cyptoeconomic systems and their simulation using tools like cadCAD.
  2. A discipline of responsibility; adhering to the highest principles of ethical conduct (from ethical engineering)
  3. A community pushing forward the field of token engineering in theory and practice. (See more Modeling Crypto Protocols as Complex Systems, TE Process)

Com·mons /ˈkämənz/

Resources that groups of people (communities, organizations) create and manage for individual and collective benefit. These resources are held collectively, not owned privately (see Fractal Ownership, Wiki and Automating Ostrom)


Advancing the field of token engineering in a regenerative way.

Stewarding the cultivation of resources to accelerate the creation of robustly engineered models, modular tools, standards and educational opportunities;

From DeFi to TeFi

A shift from building pieces and parts, toward using established engineering practices for the next generation of decentralized economies and infrastructure.


open source




Resources that groups of people (communities, organizations) create and manage for individual and collective benefit. These resources are held collectively, not owned privately (see Fractal Ownership, Wiki and Automating Ostrom)


Token Engineering is truly a transdisciplinary field, reflected by the amazing humans who are drawn to the Token Engineering Commons. We are engineers, scientists, researchers, educators, ambassadors, philosophers, AR/VR game designers, digital nomads, activists, artists, edgewalkers and pioneers


Collaborators – Supporters – Ecosystem – Friends

Token Engineering
The Commons Stack
Block Science
Sustainable & Ethical Design for Token Ecosystems.